Mintcoin provides an energy efficient, earth friendly alternative in the cryptocurrency space.
We're an open source, community run and organized POS coin, currently minting at 5%
MINT Coin was released in February 2014
Pure POS Coin 30 Second Block Target
Difficulty Retargets Every Block, POS Min/Max Age: 20/40 50 Confirmations for Minted Blocks
As of December 2017 there are 24,947,260,808 MINT in Circulation
MINT Coin White Paper
Bitcoin mining is currently estimated to consume 32,000,000 MWh of electricity annually. To put that into perspective, the entire State of New York in the U.S. consumed 20x less in 2015, at 1,666,049 MWh. That’s equivalent to approximately $30 Billion USD wasted on mining, and this figure rises everyday. Mintcoin on the other hand requires no special hardware, and uses extremely minimal resources to maintain the network
- Update White Papers
- Establish Road-maps
- Revamp Community Website
The community will decide on the Arbiter of the people’s will. Their role is to ensure that Third Party and Native Mint Developers have adequately completed the tasks outlined in an Idea and will pay them for the completion of each objective from the Idea’s Idea Wallet in a fee-for-service system based on the outlined objectives.
The amount paid out from the Idea Wallet for completion of an objective is up to the discretion of the Arbiter
In order to execute their tasks, the Arbiter will have access to a separate Arbiter Fund which will receive 10% of the collective sum of money donated into Idea Wallets which lost the election.
Idea Wallet: 100 Million MINT!
Idea: MINT Video game.
- Build the game
- Test the game
- Host the game on a Server!
Arbiter sets bounty on objective 1 as 50 Million MINT, then using money from the Arbiter Fund the Arbiter hires a neutral developer to assess the work of the 3rd party Developer who is seeking the bounty. After the neutral Developer gives his approval, the Arbiter awards the 3rd party Developer his due portion from the Idea Wallet.
The community has one week to submit, debate and discuss ideas on a public forum on the Mintcoin Official Website. Visitors to the website will rate the idea based on an Upvote Model.
At the end of the week, the Arbiter will select the Top 30 ideas based on the highest number of Upvotes (Upvotes can only be submitted with Reviews, Reviews must be minimum one line) and will submit them for Developer Review.
Idea ABC: and
and 1 H, 3 M, 4 L = (Low).
Idea ABC Outcome: Difficulty: Low; Dev Opinion:
30 ideas will be gathered and posted on MintCoin Official’s main page with the Developer Difficulty Ratings next to them.
There will be a wallet address under each idea so the community can vote with their wallets
about what they want to see MINT accomplish from the selected ideas that month. Voting lasts one week.
There will be three categories: High, Middle, Low.
People have one week to donate MINT to the wallet of the idea they want to see be implemented in the next three months. 1 High, 2 Middle, and 3 Low Ideas will be selected in the end. At the end of the week, all Ideas which lost will have their funds be sent to the following places: 80% to the winning Idea Wallet(s) in their respective category, 10% will go to the Arbiter account, 10% will go to the General Developer Fund.
Funds in each winning Idea Wallet will be used as bounty to pay third party or native MINT developers to complete those tasks.
All developer content will be visible on GitHub in the interests of total transparency.
The Arbiter will determine that each task outlined in an Idea has been adequately accomplished and will pay out the bounty as outlined earlier. Extra funds left over in a wallet following task completion will be sent back to the General Developer Fund.
- Unfinished Objectives come up for reelection with percentage completion update, if they lose reelection, their funds are stripped and given to the winner of their respective difficulty category.
- New Ideas Submitted and Voted on by Community!
- 3 month Implementation Period
Process continues as outlined above. This is the Living Roadmap, a testament to the will of the people for fair, Decentralized Self Governance.
In Code We Trust.
MINT on Reddit
- Still alive? November 23, 2024Did MintCoin die? No wallet updates for 3 years, can't find pricing data anywhere, and even this sub hasn't posted in 8 months... Setting up all my old wallets again and got to MintCoin and it seems dead. Please say it ain't so... submitted by /u/Dragon-and-Phoenix [link] [comments]
- 1968 one cent October 11, 2024submitted by /u/jinxijinx [link] [comments]
- Exchanges that list r/MintCoin: southxchange,xeggex, March 25, 2024r/MintCoin is listed on the following exchanges: southxchange on the BTC,DASH markets xeggex on the BTC,USDT markets or find the complete list on coingecko Please like,share and follow u/eurocentiem, r/MintCoin submitted by /u/eurocentiem [link] [comments]
- Exchanges that list r/MintCoin: southxchange,xeggex, March 18, 2024r/MintCoin is listed on the following exchanges: southxchange on the BTC,DASH markets xeggex on the BTC,USDT markets or find the complete list on coingecko Please like,share and follow u/eurocentiem, r/MintCoin submitted by /u/eurocentiem [link] [comments]
- Exchanges that list r/MintCoin: southxchange,xeggex, March 11, 2024r/MintCoin is listed on the following exchanges: southxchange on the BTC,DASH markets xeggex on the BTC,USDT markets or find the complete list on coingecko Please like,share and follow u/eurocentiem, r/MintCoin submitted by /u/eurocentiem [link] [comments]
- Exchanges that list r/MintCoin: southxchange,xeggex, March 4, 2024r/MintCoin is listed on the following exchanges: southxchange on the BTC,DASH markets xeggex on the BTC,USDT markets or find the complete list on coingecko Please like,share and follow u/eurocentiem, r/MintCoin submitted by /u/eurocentiem [link] [comments]
- Exchanges that list r/MintCoin: southxchange,xeggex, February 26, 2024r/MintCoin is listed on the following exchanges: southxchange on the BTC,DASH markets xeggex on the BTC,USDT markets or find the complete list on coingecko Please like,share and follow u/eurocentiem, r/MintCoin submitted by /u/eurocentiem [link] [comments]
- Exchanges that list r/MintCoin: southxchange,xeggex, February 19, 2024r/MintCoin is listed on the following exchanges: southxchange on the BTC,DASH markets xeggex on the BTC,USDT markets or find the complete list on coingecko Please like,share and follow u/eurocentiem, r/MintCoin submitted by /u/eurocentiem [link] [comments]
- Exchanges that list r/MintCoin: southxchange,xeggex, February 12, 2024r/MintCoin is listed on the following exchanges: southxchange on the BTC,DASH markets xeggex on the BTC,USDT markets or find the complete list on coingecko Please like,share and follow u/eurocentiem, r/MintCoin submitted by /u/eurocentiem [link] [comments]
- Exchanges that list r/MintCoin: southxchange,xeggex, February 5, 2024r/MintCoin is listed on the following exchanges: southxchange on the BTC,DASH markets xeggex on the BTC,USDT markets or find the complete list on coingecko Please like,share and follow u/eurocentiem, r/MintCoin submitted by /u/eurocentiem [link] [comments]
- Exchanges that list r/MintCoin: southxchange,xeggex, January 29, 2024r/MintCoin is listed on the following exchanges: southxchange on the BTC,DASH markets xeggex on the BTC,USDT markets or find the complete list on coingecko Please like,share and follow u/eurocentiem, r/MintCoin submitted by /u/eurocentiem [link] [comments]
- Exchanges that list r/MintCoin: southxchange,xeggex, January 22, 2024r/MintCoin is listed on the following exchanges: southxchange on the BTC,DASH markets xeggex on the BTC,USDT markets or find the complete list on coingecko Please like,share and follow u/eurocentiem, r/MintCoin submitted by /u/eurocentiem [link] [comments]
- Exchanges that list r/MintCoin: southxchange,xeggex, January 15, 2024r/MintCoin is listed on the following exchanges: southxchange on the BTC,DASH markets xeggex on the BTC,USDT markets or find the complete list on coingecko Please like,share and follow u/eurocentiem, r/MintCoin submitted by /u/eurocentiem [link] [comments]
- Exchanges that list r/MintCoin: southxchange,xeggex, January 8, 2024r/MintCoin is listed on the following exchanges: southxchange on the BTC,DASH markets xeggex on the BTC,USDT markets or find the complete list on coingecko Please like,share and follow u/eurocentiem, r/MintCoin submitted by /u/eurocentiem [link] [comments]
- Exchanges that list r/MintCoin: southxchange,xeggex, January 1, 2024r/MintCoin is listed on the following exchanges: southxchange on the BTC,DASH markets xeggex on the BTC,USDT markets or find the complete list on coingecko Please like,share and follow u/eurocentiem, r/MintCoin submitted by /u/eurocentiem [link] [comments]