Top Business Schools Add Bitcoin Classes, Expand Cryptocurrency MBA Course Offerings

Top-ranked business schools have hopped on the bitcoin bandwagon by expanding their course offerings on cryptocurrencies and blockchain. The move to offer more crypto-related MBA classes was fueled by growing demand from students, as well as from corporate recruiters, especially those in venture capital. Kevin Werbach, a professor at the...

5 Reasons To Buy Ripple XRP Today, Won’t Be This Cheap Again

Ripple (XRP) is one of the most popular altcoins in the cryptocurrency realm. It is a cross-border payment system that looks to do away with the existing boundations involving long transaction times and high fees. The price of XRP tokens is still pretty low, despite the obvious potential it has...

Crypto isn’t in a bubble — ‘bitcoin is the pin that’s going to pop the bubble’

One cannot apply the criteria for what created the Tulip Mania bubble and the Tech Bubble of the 90's to Crypto's, they are three different beasts. Bitcoin has more than halved in value since the start of the year, leading critics to say it's in a bubble that's deflating. Jon...

How to mine one million dollars in bitcoin on an $800 laptop

It seems that no matter which direction you turn, there is now talk of Bitcoin, Lambo's and Mining just about everywhere. Here’s the thing: Just about any device capable of banging a few numbers together can contribute to a cryptocurrency mining pool, and that means almost any device can technically...

Crypto Billings

Crypto Billings is an easy to use payment gateway that allows merchants to easily accept payments in their online shops. Crypto Billings Delivers Simplicity and Accessibility to a complicated market place. The process can be broken down into 8 simple steps Step 1:Merchants register an account and get access to...